Thursday, August 13, 2009


Please help me find some new things like videos,pictures,pictures that you colored,ect. to put on my website so that i can keep it updated with new things! Send the item that you want to send to me and i will place it on my website for you and put "thanks your name here for this!". So if you have anything please send it to . thanks for you help!

your friend


You know how the economy is no doing very well and maybe your parents are having a hard time with it. Just remind them and yourself that God is always there and never will let you down. Dont think that just because he hasnt answered your prayers yet that he is not there becase he is! God no matter what is always with you even if your not a christian!! so go and praise the Lord our God as many ways as you can!!! - Faith

Taylor Mason with Paco the Pig