Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Washington, D.C.

I recently had the opportunity to travel with my 8Th grade class to Washington, D.C. on a field trip. It was AMAZING! We saw SO much while we were there. I only had one problem with going on this trip..... we had to fly! Being from a small town, i had never flown before... so as you might guess i was just a little nervous. Well long story short, i made it safe to D.C. and safely back! YAY! I am so appreciative of my teacher and all of the Chaperone's the tagged along with us and kept us all safe! My point in this post was not to explain all about my trip, it was to use this as an example. Maybe your wondering whtthis could be used for as an example... well... my example is that sure, i was very nervous to fly on the plane to D.C., but God kept me safe and made sure that i made it there safe and sound along with my class mates. So don't be afraid to go new places and try new things!:)

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